Live Long & Prosper, Mr. Spock!

Very rare that I would dedicate a whole essay / posting to one human being. But this is different, this one was a hybrid, half human, and “half past human” (Salute also to Clif High!), really very much advanced benevolent ET like. Not from here, to be sure. But maybe also not from OUT THERE […]

Better Things Ahead into 2017

2015-2017 is a long stretch with Saturn in Sagittarius searching for the abstract truth. It will highlight issues around higher education and law, constitutions, international laws, foreign relations, and Political Sciences – and we expect new treaties, new nations, which will be added to the new existing structure around what is now the “free world” […]

De-Escalation is at Hand

“In oneself lies the whole world and if you know how to look and learn, the door is there and the key is in your hand. Nobody on earth can give you either the key or the door to open, except yourself.” — Jiddu Krishnamurti Krishnamurti once asked in one of his outstanding talks; “Why […]

Big Picture 2020-2050

Trends towards 2050 – A longer term view – Copyright 2014 Michael St.Clair “Do you know what time is? Not by the watch, not chronological time, but psychological time? It is the interval between idea and action. And in that interval is the whole field of time. That interval is essentially thought.” – Krishnamurti As […]